Løkke on Brexit: Deal can’t be changed
Britain shouldn’t expect any support from Denmark for a revised Brexit agreement even though a ‘no deal’ scenario would be devastating for the Danish fishing industry, Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen said yesterday…
MoreMinisters fear hard Brexit but renegotiating isn’t an option
As British prime minister Therese May travelled around Europe, Tuesday, in a last-ditch effort to whip up support for changes to the Brexit deal, Foreign Minister Anders Samuelsen said EU countries might be…
MoreStøjberg’s iPad Mohammed stalls repatriation talks with Iran
Iranian officials have refused to meet with Immigration Minister Inger Støjberg to discuss the repatriation of failed asylum seekers due to her use of a drawing of the Prophet Mohammed as a screenshot…
MorePM denies firing climate chief
Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen has rejected opposition claims that the chair of the Danish Council on Climate Change (Klimarådet) was fired because he was critical of the government’s policies. Peter Birch Sørensen stepped…
MoreSocial Democrats launch tax proposals to combat inequality
The Social Democrats have confirmed their intention to make income tax an issue in the upcoming election campaign by presenting a raft of measures to ‘squeeze the rich’, including stricter caps on executives’ bonuses, higher…
MoreParliament passes pepper-spray bill
Parliament has passed a bill that makes it legal for anyone over 18 to use a pepper spray in their own home for self-defence. Despite opposition from the Police Association, the Crime Prevention…
MoreDanish citizen facing genocide trial
A Danish citizen accused of murdering hundreds of ethnic Tutsis during the 1994 genocide has arrived back in the central-African country after his extradition from Denmark. The Supreme Court ruled in September that…
MoreDenmark signs up to controversial UN pact
Denmark joined the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM), in Marrakech, Morocco, yesterday. Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen was amongst representatives from more than 150 States who adopted the treaty…
MoreLøkke questions heated social media debate about migrant pact
Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen said yesterday he has no concrete evidence that foreign powers had employed fake accounts on social media in an effort to influence the debate about the Global Compact…
MorePM asks Morocco to accept terrorist
Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen has urged Morocco to repatriate convicted terrorist Sam Mansour, known as the ‘Bookseller from Bronshøj’. The PM raised the issue during talks with Morocco’s foreign affairs minister, Nasser…