Integration grinds to a halt by 3rd generation
Third-generation non-western immigrants aren’t being integrated into Danish society any better than their parents. A new joint report by the immigration and education ministries shows children of original non-western immigrants who arrived here…
MoreTax Minister claims ‘full control’ over debt mountain
Tax Minister Karsten Lauritzen has claimed the authorities are in ‘full control’ of debt collection even though new figures from the Danish Debt Collection Agency (Gældsstyrelsen) published last week showed the public’s collective debt to…
MoreSocial Democrats will define poverty
If the Social Democrats regain power next year they will reintroduce a national definition of poverty. The Liberal-only government scrapped the official poverty level in 2015 but Statistics Denmark has come up with…
MoreMinisters spend DKK700,000 on office upgrade
Two cabinet ministers have spent nearly DKK700,000 (£105.000) of taxpayers’ money redesigning their offices. After it was revealed last month that Foreign Minister Anders Samuelsen spent DKK340,000 (€45,000) upgrading his office, even though…
MoreForeign Minister in India: We need good relations
Foreign Affairs Minister Anders Samuelsen has arrived in India on a two-day official visit. The two countries have agreed to relaunch the Joint Commission for Indo-Danish bilateral relations, a framework to improve political…
MoreThe Week That Was, December 9th – December 15th 2018
Politics/Economy: The Social Democrats’ put forward a wide range of tax proposals aimed at ‘squeezing the rich’ if they, as expected, regain power at next year’s election. The government is determined to go…
MoreForeign Minister: Russian aggression threatens Danish approval for pipeline
Russia’s aggressive behavior makes it difficult to argue why Denmark should grant approval for the controversial Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline to pass through Danish territorial waters, Foreign Minister Anders Samuelsen said last…
MoreChild organisations demand ‘action not words’ from opposition leader
Opposition leader Mette Frederiksen’s vow to be the ’prime minister for kids’ will have a hollow ring unless she’s prepared to do away with the cap on social benefits and re-introduce an accepted…
More50,000 new jobs this year
2018 looks like being the best year for the Danish labour market since the pre-financial crisis days. 38,000 new jobs were created during the first nine months of the year, which, if the…
MorePublic’s debt mountain hits €15bn
The public’s collective debt to the state has risen to an all-time high of DKK116bn (€15bn) an 8% increase on 2017, new figures from the Danish Debt Collection Agency (Gældsstyrelsen) show. The debt…