Posted on 26. Sep, 2011 in: TWTW

7.59 – Danish News Today – The Week That Was, September 19th – September 25th, 2011

Politics The week ended with no new government in place as upcoming Prime Minister Helle-Thorning Schmidt continued behind closed doors negotiations to stitch together a new coalition. The former ruling Liberal Party tried…


Posted on 19. Sep, 2011 in: TWTW

The Week That Was, September 12th – September 18th, 2011

Election 2011 Denmark turned left, Thursday, as Social Democrat (S) leader Helle Thorning-Schmidt led a centre-left coalition to a narrow victory over the government of the past ten years. Analysts are already predicting…


Posted on 12. Sep, 2011 in: TWTW

7.59 – Danish News Today – The Week That Was, September 5th – September 11th, 2011

Election 2011 The opposition parties lost a potential six seats throughout the week, a Friday Voxmeter poll for news agency Ritzau showed, indicating that the September 15th election could be much closer than…


Posted on 05. Sep, 2011 in: TWTW

The Week That Was, August 29th – September 2nd, 2011

Election 2011 The daily tracking polls maintained the opposition’s lead throughout the week, although two late Gallup surveys up to the weekend gave the government fresh hope, with the gap narrowing as the…


Posted on 29. Aug, 2011 in: TWTW

7.59 – Danish News Today – The Week That Was, August 22nd – August 26th, 2011

Politics Will he, won’t he, will he….months of speculation came to an end, Friday when Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen called a General Election for September 15th, signalling the start of a hectic,…


Posted on 22. Aug, 2011 in: TWTW

7.59 – Danish News Today – The Week That Was, August 15th – August 21st, 2011

Politics Speculation about the date of the upcoming lection increased throughout the week. Defence Minister Gitte Lillelund Bech signalled the start of the campaign during a visit to Washington DC, Wednesday, when she…


Posted on 15. Aug, 2011 in: TWTW

The Week That Was, August 8th – August 14th, 2011

Politics Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen ended the week on a high note after a new Gallup opinion poll showed virtual parity between the two opposing factions, although the good news for the…


Posted on 08. Aug, 2011 in: TWTW

The Week That Was, August 1st – August 7th, 2011

Politics This year’s election could signal Social Democrat leader Helle Thorning-Schmidt’s final ‘hurrah’ – 55% of voters said in a new poll that she should quit if the opposition fails to win power…


Posted on 01. Aug, 2011 in: TWTW

The Week That Was, July 24th – July 31st 2011

Politics A Facebook statement by Minister for Integration Søren Pind, in which he compared the protests against the felling of trees at Østerild in Jutland with the terror attacks in Oslo, caused an…


Posted on 25. Jul, 2011 in: TWTW

The Week that Was, July 18th – July 24th, 2011

Politics Integration Minister Søren Pind will be forced to ease Denmark’s strict immigration legislation after losing a test case at the European Court of Human Rights last month. The Danish People’s Party (DPP)…


7:59 – All the Danish News That Fits

7:59 – Danish News Today, is the most reliable source of daily Danish news in English for diplomats, the ex-pat community, the business sector, or anyone in Denmark or abroad seeking an insight into what’s happening in Denmark right now.


7:59-Noticias Danesas de Hoy es una nueva fuente de noticias en inglés dirigida especialmente al cuerpo diplomático, extranjeros viviendo en Dinamarca
