Share-tax hike gets thumbs down from entrepreneurs
The government’s proposal to raise the top rate of tax on stocks and shares from 42% to 45% to finance unemployment benefits reform has been denounced by some of Denmark’s leading entrepreneurs. Jeppe…
MoreVoter backing for ex-PM’s new party
Ex-prime minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen’s new Moderates Party (Moderatene) is very close to getting on the ballot at the next general election. Over the past couple of days the party has received 6,500…
MoreHigh Court confirms eviction order on immigrant family
The High Court has dismissed an appeal from an immigrant family who are being evicted from their apartment because their son took part in a violent demonstration against leader of the anti-Muslim ‘Stram…
More20 cross land border as Taleban moves into Danish embassy
A week after the evacuation deadline from Afghanistan, Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod confirmed yesterday that 20 people on the ‘Danish list’ have been helped across a land border into a neighboring country, including…
MoreVirus updates
Positivity rate stable….R rate drops to 3-month low….Some vaccinated infected by Delta… 451 new corona cases were reported yesterday, 10 fewer than Monday. The infections were found amongst 43,694 PCR tests, a positivity rate…
MoreIntelligence agency violates snooping safeguards
Danish Intelligence (PET) has breached the privacy rights of thousands of people in this country by failing to wipe out sensitive information, as required by the law. The Intelligence Act gives PET a…
MoreFishing Minstry cracks down on Dutch ‘ghost’ trawlers
The Minister for Fisheries has warned of tighter control of foreign fishermen after it was revealed that many trawlers fishing off northern Jutland, mostly from the Netherlands, shut off their AIS (Automatic Identification…
MoreVirus updates
461 new corona cases were reported, Monday, 171 fewer than Sunday, although 33% fewer people were tested – only 40.149 people were PCR tested over the 24-hour period, providing a positivity rate of 1.1,…
MoreGovernment drops vaccine production plans
The government has dropped plans to invite business tenders that would allow Covid-19 vaccines to be produced in this country and will instead focus all efforts on a vaccine already under development by…
More100% renewable electricity generation by 2030
Despite left-wing concerns that the government isn’t doing enough to achieve the ambitious target of a 70% reduction in CO2 emissions over the next decade, new research from GlobalData, a data provider to…