DPP slams ‘amateurish’ EU
The Danish People’s Party (DPP) has demanded answers from Health Minister Magnus Heunicke as to why the ‘amateurish’ EU has failed to secure sufficient amounts of the new corona vaccine. In response to…
MoreStinky mink to be dug up, cremated
Millions of mink slaughtered and buried last month as part of a nationwide cull are to be dug up and cremated. The Ministry of Food and Veterinary Affairs said around 4 million mink…
MoreBan on mink breeding for at least 12 months
Parliament passed a controversial bill, Monday, that outlaws mink breeding for a year, following the government’s controversial cull of 17 million animals. At the start of November the government issued what later proved…
MoreVirus updates
3,198 new corona cases were registered, Monday, more than the previous day but far less than last week’s average of nearly 4,000 a day. Despite the dip more people are being hospitalised –…
MoreNo Danish passport for criminals
Convicted criminals will no longer be eligible for a Danish passport if parliament passes the government’s latest anti-immigrant proposal – and the opposition parties have already indicated they will vote yes. As the…
MoreBusiness shorts
Vestas takes 25% stake in climate pioneer….Maersk ship in pirate attack….Housing sales 50% up despite corona….Danske Bank shares boosted by U.S. ruling…. Green energy giant Vestas has inked a deal with Copenhagen Infrastructure…
MoreThe Week That Was, December 14th – 20th 2020:
Coronavirus/ What happened last week: Denmark will be in total lockdown between Christmas and New Year -shopping malls and department stores have already closed down and all retail outlets, with the exception of…
MoreDenmark has the world’s highest tax burden
Denmark has regained its dubious position as the country with the highest tax burden. The latest assessment by the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) of tax levels in the world’s 37…
MoreVirus updates
Infections dip….250,000 vaccinations within two months….Experts criticise government’s slow response…Contact tracing problems…English corona tracking app…. 2,828 new corona cases were registered Sunday, the lowest daily figure for nearly two weeks, but more patients…
MoreCorona reality hits Denmark
Denmark, widely praised in Europe and throughout the world in Spring for quickly containing the first wave of Covid-19, has seen reality hit over the past two months, first with the minkgate scandal…