More Danes support EU following Brexit ‘circus’
Danish voters have become increasingly pro-EU following the chaos surrounding Brexit. In a new Kantar Gallup poll, 70% of respondents say they are supporters, or even ‘strong supporters’ of the EU, the highest…
MoreElection 2019: Alternatives aim for ‘disruption’
Despite previously vowing not to support any parliamentary bloc after the election the Alternatives have softened their stance. Party leader Uffe Elbæk, who’s nominated himself as a candidate for prime minister, told tabloid…
MoreElection 2019: Left wingers demand concessions
The Red/Green Alliance have warned they won’t provide parliamentary backing for a Social Democrat-led government after the upcoming election unless they are offered ‘significant concessions’ by opposition leader Mette Frederiksen. In an interview…
MorePM: EU disregarded youth climate campaigners
Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen emerged disappointed from the European Council summit in Brussels, Friday, after countries failed to reach agreement to become climate neutral by 2050. EU leaders agreed only to work…
MoreDPP heading for disastrous EU election
It isn’t only in Denmark where the Danish People’s Party (DDP) is heading for a disastrous election. The EU-sceptic DPP won an historic victory in 2014 when they became Denmark’s biggest party in…
MoreMuslims met with right-wing demonstration
Supporters of Islamic organisation Hizb ut-Tahrir were met with a counter demonstration by right-wing extremists when as they held a prayer gathering outside parliament at Christansborg, Friday. As Muslims leaders fired up the faithful…
MoreThe Week That Was, March 18th – March 24th 2019
Politics/Economy: Leading political commentator Hans Engell said a pre-Easter election is highly unlikely as the prime minister still needs to conclude pension and health agreements before clearing his desk. Although the Social Democrats…
MoreDenmark will vote against anti-Israel resolutions at UN
Foreign Minister Anders Samuelsen has warned he will vote against any UN resolution that specifically targets Israel. Following a meeting of parliament’s Foreign Policy Committee (UNHCR), Wednesday, Mr Samuelsen repeated his message to the…
MoreElection…after Easter
A pre-Easter election is highly unlikely, according to leading political commentator Hans Engell as the prime minister still needs to conclude pension and health agreements before clearing his desk. Negotiations with the Danish…
MoreSocial Democrats against aviation duty
Although the Social Democrats are trying to push green energy higher up the election campaign agenda they won’t impose climate duties on meat or air travel if they regain power at the upcoming…