Business concerns about slow Chinese growth
The Danish business sector is concerned about the Chinese economy’s downturn after China on Monday announced that its official economic growth came in at 6.6 percent in 2018 — the slowest pace since 1990….
MoreDenmark 5th in global competitiveness – Copenhagen 2nd
Denmark has risen two places to number 5 on this year’s Global Talent Competitiveness Index (GTCI), a comparison of entrepreneurial talent and a country’s ability to compete – Switzerland, Singapore and the United States continue to lead…
MoreVoters want Denmark to join EU defence pact but retain opt-out
A majority of the electorate believes Denmark should be part of a joint EU army but doesn’t want to drop the contentious defence opt-out. In a new YouGov poll for the Copenhagen-based Europa…
MoreSKAT ignored tax scam warning
Confidential documents obtained by Politiken show the Tax Department (SKAT) was tipped off about the multi-billion share-dividend scandal months before it happened but failed to react. A deputy director of SKAT received an e-mail…
MorePolitiken fined for publishing intelligence agency secrets
Left-leaning daily Politiken has been fined DKK100,000 for violating an injunction when it published insider secrets two years ago by former head of PET (Danish Intelligence) Jakob Scharf in his controversial 2016 whistleblower…
MoreLøkke looks to normalise relations with India
Denmark’s relations with India, cool for years due to the Niels Holck affair, are on an ‘upward trajectory’, Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen said Saturday on the second day of his visit to…
MoreJP repeats Austrian fake news
Jyllands-Posten (JP), Denmark’s biggest-selling daily newspaper, has been accused of fake news for reporting how 20,000 migrants and refugees are gathered at the EU border. Citing an article in the Austrian paper Kronen…
MoreBusiness shorts…
Ørsted signs Japan deal / DHL invests 1 billion kroner in new airport hub / Nordea slashes Russian business Partially state-owned energy business Ørsted has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Tokyo…
MoreThe Week That Was, January 14th – January 20th 2019
Politics/Economy: The latest YouGov poll showed less than one percentage point separates the two opposing blocs – if an election was held today the opposition would win 50.3% against the government + Danish…
MoreNew poll indicates virtual dead heat as election race warms up
As the election approaches a new poll shows both the ruling Liberals and Social Democrats have slipped back and the race couldn’t be tighter. The latest YouGov survey shows less than one percentage…