The Week That Was, April 24th – 30th 2017
Politics/Economy Danish People’s Party (DPP) leader Kristian Thulesen Dahl accused Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen of ‘unnecessary involvement’ in France’s election campaign after he publicly praised 39-year-old Emmanuel Macron for his strong showing…
MoreLøkke: Brits should foot the bill for Brexit
You can’t enjoy a meal at a fancy restaurant and then leave before paying the bill – at least according to Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen who, in line with EU leadership, believes…
MoreDenmark one small step away from Europol deal
Just two days before the May 1st deadline, the long-negotiated Europol compromise that will replace Denmark’s full membership of the cross-border police agency is virtually a ‘done deal’. A majority of the EU…
MoreNew immigration proposal could be discriminatory
The government has been warned that its move to smooth the way for highly-paid Danes living abroad to return home with their foreign-born spouse could be discriminatory. The new bill, to be presented…
MoreRefugees decline work
Integration Minister Inger Støjberg has vowed to come down hard on refugees who decline state-funded work experience jobs. In response to a TV documentary shown last night, ‘Is this how you become Danish?’,…
MoreDenmark 4th globally in press freedom
Denmark is again in the top-5 on a list by Reporters Without Borders (RSF), a Paris-based press advocacy group that ranks 180 countries according to level of press freedom. Denmark comes in at…
MoreDanish activist on hunger strike in Bahrain
Danish-Bahraini activist Abdulhadi al-Khawaja, who’s serving a life sentence in Bahrain for inciting an insurgency against the Sunni Muslim regime in the tiny Gulf state, has been on hunger strike for two weeks…
MoreBusiness shorts
DONG disappoints in Q1 / Norwegian Air hit by fuel costs / Dankort goes mobile Partially state-owned DONG Energy posted first quarter profit below analyst expectations on Thursday. Athough the company, the biggest…
MoreDenmark wants to deport hundreds – Somalia will only accept 12
Although the Danish immigration authorities are currently in the process of re-evaluating the residency permits of around 800 Somalian immigrants, with a view to deporting the majority, Somalia won’t accept more than 12…
MoreLøkke heads for Beijing
Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen will visit China next week, the first official Danish trip since 2008. The PM will meet with both President Xi Jinping and Prime Miniser Li Keqiang. He said in…