Integration Minister’s plea to moderate Muslims
Integration Minister Inger Støjberg has urged moderate Muslims to distance themselves from imams who promote Islam over Danish law. After a number of leading imams condemned TV2 for the recent documentary series ‘Mosques…
MoreForeign Minister: Keep up the pressure on Russia
Denmark fully supports the EU’s hard-line approach to Russia, Foreign Minister Kristian Jensen said last night after a meeting of EU foreign ministers in Brussels. He said even though sanctions are costing a…
MoreTaliban close to re-taking districts Danish troops helped to recover
Danish Military Intelligence (FE) has confirmed Taliban insurgents are close to regaining control of all districts in the Helmand province where Danish troops operated before being withdrawn in 2013. Helmand is Afghanistan’s largest province…
MoreSocial Democrats push for amendment to benefits-cap bill
The state should cover the removal costs of any welfare recipient forced to move if their expenditure on housing becomes too expensive when parliament, as expected, passes the government’s proposals for a cap…
More13 found guilty of human trafficking
13 people were found guilty, Monday, in the so-called ‘hornet’s nest affair’, Denmark’s biggest-ever case of human trafficking in which hundreds of Romanians were enticed to Denmark with the promise of work, but…
MoreRomanian thief was part of sting operation
A Romanian thief has been acquitted by the High Court of stealing construction equipment after it was revealed he’d been sent to Denmark as part of a ‘sting’ operation by police in his…
MoreDairy farmers suffered huge loss in 2015
Danish dairy farmers were hard hit in 2015, posting average losses of over DKK174,000 (€23,000) with banks foreclosing ‘on a daily basis’, agriculture trade media reports. This is a huge contrast to 2014,…
MoreMaersk fined for misleading US military
Two Maersk Group subsidiaries, Damco and Farrell Lines, have been fined $3.7m for using false container weight invoices to bill US military cargo. US investigators found that employees of Damco, a logistics and…
MoreOpposition maintains poll lead
The centre-left opposition maintains its lead in the polls. A new Voxmeter poll for Jyllands-Posten shows the Social Democrats, Social Liberals, Red/Greens, Socialist People’s Party, and Alternatives would collectively win 50.5% of the…
MoreRefugees, referendum fuel voter opposition to EU
Danish voters’ doubts about the EU continue to grow. A new Greens poll for financial daily Børsen shows 33% of the electorate would vote to leave the EU if a referendum was held…