Election sweetener: PM hands out DKK39bn in welfare goodies
Helle Thorning-Schmidt brushed aside the growing election speculation yesterday as she promised a further DKK39bn would be spent on health, care for the elderly, and education ahead of 2020. At a press conference…
MorePositive Economic Survey – 200,000 new jobs by 2020
The Danish economy is definitely moving forward, according to the ‘wise men’ of the Economic Council who predict that coming growth will help to create 200,000 new jobs ahead of 2020, but at…
MoreNational Bank backs ‘wise men’ on banking union
The National Bank has warmly applauded the Economic Council’s recommendation that Denmark should join the EU banking union. In their bi-annual ‘state of the economy’ report, published yesterday, the wise men of the…
MoreDevelopment minister calls on EU countries to follow Denmark
The majority of EU countries have failed to live up to their vow to donate 0.7% of GDP to development aid by 2015, which according to Development Aid Minister Mogens Jensen compromises the EU’s…
MoreSwedish artist back in Denmark after failed assassination attempt
Controversial Swedish artist Lars Vilks, who emerged unscathed from a deadly attack when he appeared at a debate forum at the Krudtønden cafe in February, says he has full confidence in the security…
MoreWashington Post: DONG deal continues to damage government
The Washington Post reports how the controversial Goldman Sachs/DONG deal continues to damage the government’s chance of re-election: From the Washington Post: The issue at stake is whether the government was transparent in…
MoreLeft wing condemns Moroccan torture
The Red/Greens have condemned the use of torture in Moroccan prisons, following the release of the latest reports of Amnesty international and the Norwegian Aid Organisation (SAIH) on torture and human rights violations…
MoreRadio station defends rabbit killing after death threats
State-funded Radio 24/7 has claimed it was only fulfilling its public service mandate to provoke debate when the host of a morning show beat a baby rabbit to death with a bicycle pump,…
MoreNew poll: Løkke heading for victory
Liberal leader Lars Løkke Rasmussen is heading for a return to the prime minister’s office. A new Voxmeter poll for news bureau Ritzau indicates a comfortable 54.3% – 45.6% victory for the centre-right…
MoreReuters: PM will call election this week
International news bureau Reuters is reporting that Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt will ‘probably’ call the long-awaited general election this week. Quoting ‘sources close to the PM’, Reuters reports that time is running out…