Former minister admits Greenland mistake
The leading opposition party, the Liberals, have acknowledged that the former Lib/Con coalition that ruled between 2001-11 did nothing while foreign companies were winning all the contracts to mine for raw materials in…
MoreSocial Liberals: Let the rich pay for healthcare
The Social Liberals have called for an expert commission to study the feasibility of earnings-based fees in the health sector to create a more ‘socially fair’ system. Although the principle of free and…
MoreMore people out of work than in
The drastic labour-market situation is clearly reflected in new figures showing that the number of local regions where a majority of residents are in work has fallen drastically. In 2009, over half of…
More40,000 habitually unemployed
The number of ‘vulnerable’ benefits recipients who haven’t worked for years has grown to 40,000, but is becoming increasingly left behind according to a leading labour market expert. 15,000 have been added to…
MoreShort working week gets even shorter
A massive self-deception – that’s the view of labour market experts after Statistics Denmark downwardly adjusted figures regarding how much people work in this country. A new method of collecting data has forced…
MoreJyllands-Posten plotter gets 35 years
Pakistani-American terrorist David Coleman Headley, who confessed to planning the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks and drawing up plans to launch an attack on Jyllands-Posten, publisher of the Mohammed cartoons, in Copenhagen has been…
MoreEU Commissioner: No rebate for Denmark
Just two weeks before the decisive EU summit on the EU’s long-term budget for the next seven years,a high-ranking member of the EU Commission has spoken out against the Danish government’s demand for…
MorePrime Minister’s misguided reform claims
Prime Minister Helle Thorning Schmidt has been accused of misleading world leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos by claiming that the Danish government has implemented numerous reforms. The Liberals’ finance spokesman,…
MorePM ‘naive and stupid’
Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt has also come under fire for criticising her British counterpart David Cameron’s call for a re-negotiation of his country’s EU terms. Former cabinet minister and Social Democrat MEP Torben…
MoreEU banking union could be expensive for Denmark
If Denmark joins the EU banking union, aimed at strengthening the eurozone and making the financial sector less vulnerable to crisis, it will be subjected to the same demands and conditions as all…