German no thanks to nuclear power opens door to Danish energy companies
The closure of all German nuclear power stations by 2022, announced by Chancellor Angela Merkel last week, represents a huge opening for Danish energy companies. Danish Energy has looked closely at the figures…
MoreKilling of Kashmiri important for Denmark
Assassinated terrorist leader Ilyas Kashmiri was obsessed with attacking Jyllands-Posten, claims Swedish researcher, Magnus Ranstorp. The Swede explained that Kashmiri was known to have given revenge for the Mohammed cartoons a high profile…
MoreDanish sales tax hits tourism
Sales tax in Denmark, known as moms in Danish, is having a major impact on the tourist business, reports financial daily, Børsen, today. The internationally high level of 25% has led to the…
MoreDistortion street festival over to mixed reviews
The phenomenally successful Distortion four day street festival was attended by double the expected amount of people, organisers and local politicians said in the aftermath of the party. This, admitted Pia Allerslev, Copenhagen…
MoreHaarder owes the public an explanation
Opposition politicians from Social Democrats, (S), and the Socialist People’s Party, (SF), moved to capitalise on the revelations in Friday’s Information that then Integration Minister, Bertel Haarder, had ignored civil servants’ advice on…
MoreRocket reaches the skies, sort of
After a week of media hype, the privately built space rocket was launched from somewhere off the coast of Bornholm on Friday afternoon. The maiden journey of “Tycho Brahe” was fairly modest, however,…
MoreLiberals unleash attack on Social Liberals
Just days after mutually signing an agreement on the state’s budget plans up until 2020, the main government party launched a ferocious attack on Margrethe Vestager’s Social Liberal Party, (R). A vote for…
MoreThe Week That Was: May 30th-June 5th
Politics The latest opinion poll showed the opposition with a comfortable 94-81 seat majority. Finance Minister Frederiksen announced a final agreement on the government’s 2020 spending plans, meaning that the state could now…
MoreNew variant of MRSA bacteria present in Denmark
A recent mutation of the anti-biotic resistant staphylococcus bacteria, (MRSA), has been found in Denmark, it was today revealed by researcher, Robert Leo Skov from the State Serum Institute. The bacteria, which originally…
MoreDanish job market stuck in doldrums
The latest employment figures in Denmark make for grim reading. 14,600 companies were recently asked about their recruitment situation for a survey carried out by the Labour Market Board and Rambøll Management, and…