Rocket launch dependent upon weather
A team of space enthusiasts who tried, but failed, to launch a Danish rocket last year are ready to try again. Copenhagen Suborbitals, whose attempt to fire a rocket into the atmosphere collapsed…
MoreOh no – it’s another 2020 plan
Not to be outdone by the government or the opposition, the centrist Social Liberals have now presented their own 2020 economic agenda, including a proposal for DKK11bn of income tax cuts. The party…
MoreGovernment predicts slight increase in growth, slight drop in unemployment
The Finance Ministry’s latest Economic Review, released today, contains no surprises according to Sydbank senior economist Jacob Graven. The government has raised its growth expectations for 2011 and 2012, to 1.9% and 1.7%…
MoreBudget deficit exceeds euro requirement
With a projected budget deficit of DKK74bn this year – around 4.1% of GDP – growing to DKK80bn (4.3%) next year, Denmark will far exceed the EU’s 3% convergence requirement for the euro….
MoreBusiness confidence
The business sector is slowly regaining optimism. The latest business cycle indicator, based on expectations for the upcoming three months, was 12 in April, a modest rise from 10 the previous month but…
More7.59 – Danish News Today – The Week That Was, May 23rd – May 29th, 2011
Politics After six weeks of negotiations the government has finally been able to stitch together a majority for its 2020 plan, with the fragile support of independent MP Pia Christmas Møller. Speculation mounted…
MoreLA PASADA SEMANA: del 23 AL 29 de mayo
Política Finalmente, y después de seis semanas de difíciles negociaciones, el gobierno logró mayoría parlamentaria para la aprobación del “Plan Económico 2020” con el frágil apoyo de Pia Christmas Møller, miembro del parlamento…
MoreLøkke’s secret plan: Vestager for Prime Minister
Liberal Party leadership allegedly has a secret contingency plan ready to stop Helle Thorning- Schmidt becoming Prime Minister if the government loses this year’s election. According to leading political commentator Helle Ib of…
MoreVestager: Løkke must be desperate
Social Liberal leader Margrethe Vestager has dismissed speculation that she could be a candidate for Prime Minister after the next election. In response to reports that the the Liberals and Conservatives may attempt…
MoreHealth and the economy more important than terrorism and immigration
Health and the economy look like being the major issues in this year’s election, as terror, immigration and the environment have slipped into the background. In a new analysis, voters name hospitals, unemployment…