More Iraqis taken prisoner than admitted
An investigation into Danish soldiers’ role in the abuse of Iraqi prisoners has revealed that far more Iraqis have been detained by Danish soldiers in Iraq than parliament has been informed about. According…
MoreLibyan message to Denmark
The coalition of countries involved in the war in Libya, including Denmark, will appear as ‘losers’ unless a solution is found to the crisis very soon – one of the main points of…
MoreLibya puts strain on defence budget
DKK61.5m – that’s the cost of Denmark’s involvement in the Libya coalition so far, one month after six F-16’s were sent to enforce the no-fly zone. If the mission continues for another 11…
MoreDanish language demands ‘totally unreasonable’
All opposition parties are in agreement that the strict Danish language demands contained in the government’s latest proposal to tighten the demands on immigrants seeking residency by family reunification will be repealed if…
MoreNo deal say Social Liberals
The government’s efforts to divide the opposition by reaching agreement with both the Danish People’s Party (DPP) and the Social Liberals on the thorny question of early retirement are crumbling rapidly. The Social…
MoreDanish ship held in India
A Danish ship, the Danica Sunrise, has been detained in India after security forces received a tip that two crew members were planning to offload arms and ammunition. See Times of India…
MoreRecord number of evictions
Social experts have called for an investigation into why so many people are being evicted from their homes because of a failure to pay rent. New Courts of Denmark figures show there were…
MoreKhat nabbed at airport
Police arrested 3 Romanians at Copenhagen Airport last night in possession of over 100 kilos of khat, an illegal plant used as a stimulant, especially by Somalis. The three were in transit from…
MoreVoters: Health yes, security and defence no
Health is the no.1 issue for the electorate right now, followed by the economy and employment policy according to a major new survey of voter behaviour conducted by Gallup in conjunction with the…
MoreRoma people could target Copenhagen
Copenhagen City Council has expressed concern that the capital could be flooded with beggars and crooks this summer, after the Ministry of Integration’s decision to annul the deportation orders issued against 14 Roma…